Saturday, August 08, 2015

Ch Ch Ch Changes...

More changes to the bag pattern... You'll notice my boy Archie in the pic.

I did make the body of the bag 7 1/2" bigger than the pocket piece and made significant changes to the strap. I made the new strap by cutting 3 pieces at 21 1/2" x 3 1/4" The three pieces are cut on a fold for extra length. And this is the end result...

So far I'm liking it, though when you use this much fabric it does tend to be a bit floppier at the top than the smaller version but it's not terrible. I may simply use a thicker fabric and leave out the pocket next time or add an additional layer of fabric to the main body of the bag (and either keep or leave the pocket as I choose). I may shorten the strap length a bit in the future, but right now being able to throw it over a shoulder seems pretty nice.

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