Saturday, January 28, 2006


Well I finally broke down and started knitting a shrug. No pics yet as there really isn't enough of it to show. I'm not sure yet if I'm a shrug wearing kind of gal, I guess we'll see when it's finished. It also happens to be the first pattern I've ever gleaned from the net. The picture looked lovely and I just so happened to have the color and yarn type needed so I thought why not? We'll see how it goes.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

It's a Bird! It's a Plane...

Well I finally finished the Superman scarf for Aaron. There he is next to my dressmaker's dummy modeling it by the way. If he looks a bit tired it's because I finished it up at around 2:00am and was so excited that I insisted I snap a pic of him in it right away. He loves it, which is good because it took far longer than I thought it would to complete it, I'd be a real bummer if he didn't care for it. I finished it just in time too, we've been reaching about 30 below or lower now outside and it's a good time to start bundling up. I did a nice lace triangle edge on the ends to finish off.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Domino... Domino

Arrrggg, I hate that old 80s song. But it just popped into my head and it doesn't seem to want to leave. I finally got my hands on Domino Knitting by Vivian Hoxbro. I had to put it on hold on the library and the person who had it checked out was late returning it, but now it's mine ALL MINE! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

Actually it's quite good. I knit my first square last night. I wasn't quite sure how it was going to work so I just got started and it came off the needle diagonally! It was so cool, I'm definatly going to try some more of those. What really caught my attention with this book (aside from the exceptional patterns) is the fact that Vivian has her own friends modeling the items. I guess when you write the book you get to pick and choose. It was so great to see models that looked like real people, very refreshing! I hope to do a few more squares today and figure out how you knit them together.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I'm always amazed by the things that inspire us. The magazine photo was very 1950s, but I instantly felt that this was something I wanted to knit. It was only after repeating the cable pattern about three times that I realized I was knitting it for my mother. It seemed to flow quite naturaly after that. I'm not quite sure how I'll manage the hood, I've never done one before and in the picture it looks a bit... elfin. Still, I believe it's something she'd like so I'll try to keep as close to style as possible. I've toyed with the idea of making the scarf longer than in the picture, and I might, at least a little. But if there's one thing I've learned it's that you should give gifts that suit the person who's actually recieving them, not the person you imagine them to be.

It was something of an epiphany for me when I finally realized that my mother's taste was always going to be different from mine. I remember it finally sunk in while we were staying in Hawaii for Christmas. I was going to get her what I thought was the perfect gift (I can't remember what it was, probably jewelry) when it occured to me that she was never going to use any of the things I got her. So I started to think about the kind of things she got for herself. Usually they were brown, (it seemed to be her favorite color) and if it was clothing she generally prefered it to have embroidery on it. Definitely not my style, but it was what she liked so I got her a brown leather eelskin cigarette case. She loved it, and ended up using it until it started to fall apart at the seams.

Well the scarf is purple, (her second favorite color). Here's hoping she likes it just as well.