Tuesday, November 16, 2010

More Wire Wrapping Madness...

An antique key that my husband painted for me with automobile paint wrapped in silver wire. And a nice eye shaped cage I created with a prism as the focal point. I am quite pleased with them.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wire Wrapping Experiment...

Since hosting the bead event at Micheals  I've been messing about with knitting wire with beads as well at making a few wire wrapped pieces.

Now the two at the end are all mine. But the first one my Brother Ed did that nice little curly Q wrapping on with the thicker wire (I simply went through with a very thin green wire and added the peridot. I'd purchased the lava and peridot beads out of a nostalgia for the Big Island. The last piece has a gorgeous stone with neat little purple angles (possibly crystals) that I completey fail to capture in this picture....

I call the piece Stone Circuit. Can you name a piece of jewelry? Oh well I guess I've done it. Here's the front up close...

And the back...

Still trying to decide how much I want to invest in this hobby, but it's been fun so far and it's definitely a way to make sure you're not wearing the same pieces as everyone else.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Corny Tanks and Glowing um... bikinis?

Ah, almost forgot here's a pic of that cotton n' corn tank I finished (much thanks to Amber for the yarn) and an um glow-in-the-dark bikini.

...and no that's not me wearing the thing (yikes -- its made of plastic lanyard), it's my handy dress dummy.

Fishy Fun!

Lot of fun on our Barnes & Noble knitting night. Dena's Fish is absolutely awesome. Shane was there (I just had to get a pic of that hat) and he showed off the chain mail bikini top he was working on. And Kristi showed of her (as yet armless) minion! I'm so glad everyone could make it for Amber's last knitting night before she left for Anchorage. Miss you Amber! And please post on the blog even if you cant do pics yet, I'm eager to keep up with your projects. If anyone else wants to post on the blog (projects, links to cool sites, and you tube vids or whatever) and isn't yet set up for it please let me know and I'll get that underway :)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

No Greater Happiness Than a Cool Sink

Sorry it's taken me so long to post this, but here we have both Amber and my latest projects...

Which seem to be coming along nicely. And of course here we have Tira's latest project...

As I understand it she has some previous experience working with alternative cooling systems from kittenhood but she'd only just recently resumed her work in this area due to the increase in global warming. Hopefully her efforts will benefit us all.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Something in the Wind

Sorry I'll be missing tonight's get together, I thought I'd post a little something that I thought was cool. A wind powered knitting machine that makes scarves!!!


Hopefully I'll be feeling more together by next week. : )

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Some Enchanted Evening...

Well as of the last knitting night, Dena finished her delightful octopus!

And I managed to finish up my little Blythe hoodie!

And of course Amber brought the guests of honor...

Oh, and much thanks to Dena who send me this wonderful link...

I think the pic of Audrey jumping is just adorable!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Of Mice and Octopi... and balls of yarny goodness!!!

Trilby has been working diligently on her mouse. It's so cute in it's little robe with it's book. Almost looks like it will get up at any moment and fix a cup of hot coco. She will shortly be making some furniture for it, the lucky little thing.

And here is Dena's latest work with our ocean dwelling friends, head to be attached soon...

And of course the wonderful creature that Amber created...

She had to wrestle with it a bit to get it into it's final form, but it's quite tame and obedient now, not to mention beautiful as well!

Can't wait to see what she's going to make out of it.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Fun Felted Hats!

So I made my girls a couple of felted hats and then I thought 'why not make one for myself'. So here it is, the first felted hat I've ever made (for people that is).

The Blythe hat pattern is found at Ravelry, it's called the Blythe Felted Hat & Tote Bag

And the pattern for the hat for people (also on Ravelry) is called Debs Derby (F102)

Much thanks to the talented people who came up with these patterns. : )

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Knitting at Barnes and Noble!!!

Well it's knitting night again and I'm just getting these pic from last week up now... how time flies. I finally finished the gloves (mom seems to like 'em). and here we have Amber working on her lovely mint scarf (it feels as soft as velvet!) and Dena making oodles of legs for her latest octopus!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

And the Academy Award Goes To...

...Amber Buzby, for her fabulous work on The Scarf That Wouldn't End. Amber would very much like to thank her husband Zeke, who has been ever so supportive of her work on The Scarf..., Trilby, who offered up a fantastic performance in her supportive role (right in pic), and her two cat children Libby and Tiramisu, whose helpful antics with yarn and yarn bag inspection have inspired her to strive for perfection.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

My 1st Høxbro Bag!!!

Well it's finally finished, my 1st Høxbro bag. I made quite a few changes from the original pattern but I'm quite pleased with the results. I can sling it over my head and shoulder, fill it with yarn, and knit as I walk about. Bliss!!!

Monday, March 01, 2010

Just a quick Little Fix...

Nearly done with my bag, but some cute knitting themed beads I found at Michaels inspired me to do this little project with some of my novelty yarn. It's a coffee cozy... or a wrist warmer.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Let a Yarn Ball be your Pillow...

At least I think that's how the expression goes... 

Here's Amber with her marvelous chunky scarf.... I love the colors in this, and it seems to be knitting up fast. We also have Trilby's latest creation (very skillfully done), and Deena's octopi (hmmm... is that spelled right? And just what is the plural of octopus?) in process. The larger of the two should make a very cool hat.