Saturday, July 26, 2008

Knitting... with Balls!

I had a great time last night. Lots of knitting of course (I'm making good progress on my 2nd Dalek) and Spaceballs! I hadn't seen the movie in quite a while and I loved every minute of it, thanks for putting up with my general weirdness guys.

Well it's finally letting me post pics today. As you can see I've got some photos from previous sessions that I was finally able to show... plus just adorable pics of Dusty moving into a Barns & Nobel bag. Speaking of which thank you Kristi for bringing us there, it was great fun. Loved the amigurumi toys... so cute.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Ack!!! I know we knit less in the summer months but there have been several knitting sessions and I haven't remembered my camera at any of them. I considered putting up a pic of Barn's and Nobel (we went there to knit on Fri.) but I don't think we'll quite go there. I do have some pics of the popcorn popper bag (and Archie) that Amber was nice enough to take but right now the website wont let me upload these either. Ah well... I've updated the knitty link to the latest issue instead. As Grover would say... I am so embarrassed.