Wednesday, March 21, 2007

E.Z. Seemless Sweater

Well I finally finished the seemless sweater based on Elizabeth Zimmermann's calculations. It's in green of course (My favorite color though I wear it so rarely in clothes). I had to redo the yoke once as the pattern I originally chose was too big. I'm pretty pleased with it. It does look a bit 60s to me but then that sort of sweater does I think. The major advantage is that it went very quickly compared to other sweaters I've done.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Princess, Glow in the Dark, Cape

Well I finished the cape. She seems to like it, she stood in our dark bathroom and checked it out in the mirror, she even wore it like hair- freaky glow in the dark hair. We had great fun. She wanted to tie it under her arms until I explained that she had to wear it like Superman. She seemed to get it after that. Oh and the pom pons were just perfect, thank you for the suggestion Amber.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

First Bite...

Well I had a wonderful time at Amber's last night. We watched love at first bite. Boy did that bring back some memories, it was great fun.

You can see the checkerboard scarf Amber's working on. I love the muted colors, all in lovely jewel tones. And this is the capelet I've been working on for Savanna. I just finished putting the trim on it today (complete with pom pons as Amber suggested) and it looks great, very girly girl. The glow in the dark beads will be Savanna's favorite I think.